22 February 2006

Olympic Curling and Other Random Thoughts!!

I must admit, I have become an Olympic Curling junkie. I have watched Curling everyday that it has been on since the Olympics have started. I have even got my 3 year old hooked. I am starting to think he understands it a little more than I do. For those of you that haven't seen it, we are in the semifinals for a medal, the mens team at least. There is something so addictive about 4 men, brooms, a bullseye, and a 42 pound granite curling stone. As I have watched many of the sports, I often question myself, "Who was the first person to think that one up." Some of these things you have to be obviously insane to even think of attempting. Lets see for instance, who wants to lay on a sled and travel, 80 miles an hour down a icy track? Or who, in their right mind thought it was cool to ski off a ramp and "fly" to only land abrubtly at the bottom of a hill. To top it all off is the free style aerials, lets see I want to jump a ramp and see how many flips and turns I can do before landing on 2 thin skis. What are some of these people thinking, they all deserve medals for what they are even attempting!!! GO TEAM USA!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the heck is curling?:)I haven't heard of that one! Is it new?

2/23/2006 7:44 PM  

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