11 August 2006

A Fond Farewell......Kristi Style

This is an actual picture of my husbands boat.....its not everyday that you can go to the beach and see this site!!!! Well yesterday he left but beings that he had duty on Wednedsday I had to say my goodbye a day earlier. Yesterday I took my youngest son to the beach to watch the boat leave and I was proud I did not get upset at all. There were only 4 other wives there so it was really low key. Back when we were on our last boat you might go to the beach and there would be 20 wives waiting on that damn submarine. I think that me taking the youngest down to watch it leave is good because he has a true understanding that the submarine has left, it is not just somewhere out in cartoon world. He knows that his daddy was on that boat and that it left and went into the big ocean and that it goes underwater and he sleeps on it. Today I am still good, I think I let the emotions get me on Tuesday night and Wednesday but all is calm for the moment. I am sure in a couple days the true lonliness will set in. I have you guys for support and comfort during all of this. You all have been wonderful with your nice comments. Thank you oh so much


Blogger Gingers Mom said...

How long is he gone for? I know that ache...I know it well. God bless you Kristi.
My husband is a pilot and goes out on a ship. He was able to call from port ever once in a great while. Can you write letters? Do you hear from him? How does that work?

8/11/2006 2:06 PM  
Blogger Catch said...

yes kristi we are here for you Sweety. It was nice that you and your son went to see the sub off.I imagine it was kinda a lonely feeling. But we will keep you entertained till hubby gets back! Ill post some funnies for you to keep you laughing. Huggs

8/11/2006 4:57 PM  
Blogger Lori's Minute said...

I am glad you took your son and I am proud of you and your hubby as well. Thank you for all you and your families go through!

8/11/2006 9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am surprised so few wives showed up. I wish I could be there for you. You were so great to me when I needed someone. And I want to do the same for you. If you just want to ever cry at 3am, call me!

I thought of you yesterday cause the NEX has cute new shirts that say things like "US SAILORS ROCK". You have a better base and all there so you have probably had them for awhile. But if you don't and you want one I will get you one. They had one that made me think of you. It says "US NAVY WIFE TOUGH AS NAILS".

8/11/2006 10:25 PM  
Blogger Dr.John said...

We will be here for you when you need us. That was a good picture. I hope your son is proud of his parents.

8/11/2006 10:25 PM  
Blogger B.R.L said...

I also think it was a good idea to take your son to see the ship leave. Children make up their own truths if they are not given the truth.

8/13/2006 1:31 AM  
Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

Hey, Kristi. How you doing?

8/14/2006 2:11 PM  
Blogger Pendullum said...

Hey Kristi...
My heart sunk as you sent shivers down my spine...
You are in my prayers...
You are one very strong woman...

8/14/2006 3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »

2/07/2007 5:22 PM  

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