01 April 2006

Husband is home for a visit & other things

Well my hubby has come home from school this weekend just to visit us. My 3 year old goes for surgery on Tuesday and I think that he wanted to see him before the surgery. (he is getting the adenoids removed and tubes put back in) Well the hubby gets home at 10 pm last night, the kids have waited up to see him and such and I am happy that he is home but I have a whole lot on my mind (I will go into detail on that later). Well now he is mad at me because the first thing I did NOT want was sex when he came home. Sure it has been 12 days since I saw him last but there are more important things than just that. I want to see him to spend time with him, but yet it pisses me off that I do not think that he thinks the same way. Why does it have to be sex first and time later? I guess because he is male. So I laid in bed and talked to him, something that we have not been able to do to much of the last 2 weeks. Sure I have talked to him on the phone, but I have not talked to him a whole lot because I hate the phone. UGH!!!! MEN.....Can't live with 'em, can live without 'em.
Well on to the subject that was clouding my mind yesterday, my mom called and they were rushing my 15 year old brother to the hospital for a prossibly broken leg and arm. He jumped off the bleachers at school and fell and I guess landed really wrong. I finally got a hold of my mom and she told me that he had broken his ankle and his arm and that they were prepping him for surgery. He ended up with pins and plates in his arm and leg. He is going to be in a wheelchair for the next 8 weeks. But my moral dilemma was my husband was on his way home and I really felt I needed to make the trip to Alabama to be there for my family, as you see nothing this serious has ever happened to any of them. But I stayed here since I realized that there was nothing I could do for them other than take my kids and get in the way, and the boys seeing their father was far more important.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. ~Author Unknown


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You do have alot on your mind! It never seems to end for you. I like the saying "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much".

I know how you feel about hubby and sex. That was how mine was when he used to travel.

I am sorry about your brother. But you are right. There is nothing you can do for him there. Just call or send him something so he knows he is in your thoughts.

4/01/2006 12:27 PM  
Blogger Dr.John said...

Well I guess men and women are different in the way we look at things. But I don't think as different as each of us are from each other.Like the idea that women want you to listen. It is like pulling teeth to get my wife to talk.

4/01/2006 1:30 PM  
Blogger Lori's Minute said...

After reading doc-1 comments, I will pass on my opinion and some day I may say why. I am sorry to hear about your brother, but I think you did the right thing to stay home. That is what I would have done.

Ok, I have to state this...why does the WIFE have to be understanding but the husband cannot realize that all he has to do it show some concern for the brother who is hurt, put the kids to bed while you take a bath so you can get a break and THEN he will probably get lucky TWICE in one night!?

4/01/2006 11:50 PM  

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