25 May 2006

I DID IT...My green thumb stayed green not black

For all of my readers that are aware of my attempt to grow grass, I did it!!! Yeah...I was checking out all of the spots that I planted at there it was little tiny patches of fine baby grass. I am so happy, I am currently watering it as we speak, we are kind of going through a dry spell here in Sunshine Central. It has been so very hot and I am looking foward to rain, so are my other plants. We are supposed to go out of town this weekend and I am really afraid to go because I know I have no one to water my stuff. And I do not want to return to the demise of my babies!!
*On another note we are 5 days into summer vacation (when does school start again?) No, actually we are doing alright, kids are happy and content. We had a busy weekend last week and now we are just trying to glide through this week with out spending huge amounts of money. We are supposed to take a trip home to Alabama this weekend for the holiday and return on Monday for a concert. (I will tell more about that later) Although due to timing I am not sure if the trip is actually going to follow through.
*For all of my readers that are wondering of my summer dilemma with watching my best friends daughter, well she is in a Summer Day camp program and I can get her whenever I want to and take her to do stuff with us. I think we are going to all do the zoo next week.
*I had my MRA, yesterday, it was and angiogram of my brain, I thought I was going to have dye injected in me but they did not have to do it so I was quite estatic. The only problem was my sunburned back and I had to lay flat on it for a half hour without moving while being inside of a tube. Can anyone say OH JOY!!! I go to the doctor on June 6th to find out the results of that and for him to check my optic nerves again. So everyone pray for me until then!!

Well that is all for now from the Chaotic World of Me....I will have more for you tomorrow!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always you are in my prayers!

Hooray on the grass! You go girl! I told Durk about your grass dilema!

Well have a safe trip. I am glad little A is in the camp program! One less worry for ya!

5/25/2006 12:34 AM  
Blogger Dr.John said...

Glad the grass is growing. Will pray for you. I remember summer vacation and all the plans and trips. Now I look forward to the grandkids coming for a week.

5/25/2006 11:05 AM  
Blogger L said...

Have a wonderful trip.
You will be in my prayers.

5/25/2006 3:38 PM  
Blogger Lori's Minute said...

Good jpb with the grass!!! I was wondering about the babysitting situation this summer and it sounds like a good plan.

We will all be anxiously awaiting the results of your MRI June 6. (You understand you will have to blog as soon as you get home! Ok, you can call the hubby first, but then blog!)

5/25/2006 6:13 PM  
Blogger Catch said...

You are in my prayers Kristi! I am so glad you are growing grass! I have 2 tomato plants growing that I check on everyday! Im so proud of them..my first ones!

Have a good and safe trip Sweety! Enjoy yourself!

5/25/2006 7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanna say I miss ya!

5/25/2006 8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

6/11/2006 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

7/21/2006 9:45 AM  

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